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Friday, August 27, 2010

Mini-Event: Super Secret Spawn!

Its that time again! On Channel 3 of every server (Channel 2 for Demian), I have spawned numerous General Bearnerky! I will not disclose the location of this event. However, I have included a hint of the location in the form of a screenshot (Be sure to click and enlarge the screenshot for the hint).

Good Luck Giant Hunters!


  1. Lol nice, loving these events even though I can't take advantage of them :P

  2. we cleared them already. tired from all the aoeing xDD

    how come they don't drop any green weps? xDD

  3. They should tell when it is and at what time its happening

  4. I cleaned them up on Mia. ^^

    Made over 150m from them. :D

    I was actually planning on killing those butlers, hoping to get something good dropping, but this was so much better!
